
Hello friends and family. Welcome to the Seattle Davids’ corner of the World Wide Web!  This site serves as a our family’s online presence and is used primarily for our Christmas letters.

One Reply to “Welcome!”

  1. Hi Amber,

    I was part of the OBF Youth Fellowship in India. I was one of the younger kids and Andrew was the older and wiser President. It was a place where we learnt so much from the others and it was a place where we felt secure and loved.

    It’s almost 15 years since we moved to another city of India. Stephen & I have been blessed with 2 children – James (10) and Jonita (7).

    I enjoyed reading your Christmas letters. I was especially touched by the way that you have identified the key strengths of each of one of your children. I’m sure that you are a wonderful Mom!

    I was encouraged because I struggle to balance a full-time job as an auditor with bringing up my kids and I know that bringing up 4 kids cannot be easy. But you are happy doing that and that’s something I need to learn!

    God bless you….have a great day and keep writing.

    Warm regards,

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